
Class: ManifestXml


The ManifestXml class represents a manifest file parser used for parsing and manipulating project manifest files consumed by EdkRepo. It provides methods to parse, access, and modify various attributes of the manifest, and generate new manifest and pin files.

The manifest ManifestXml class does not validate the contents of manifest files for correctness beyond adherence with the project manifest file schema.

Per Pep8 methods and attributes beginning with _ or __ should be considered private and not directly invoked by consumers of this module.

Class Diagram

    Animal <|-- Duck
    Animal <|-- Fish
    Animal <|-- Zebra
    Animal : +int age
    Animal : +String gender
    Animal: +isMammal()
    Animal: +mate()
    class Duck{
      +String beakColor
    class Fish{
      -int sizeInFeet
    class Zebra{
      +bool is_wild

